Marvel tech.. the secret of dr. strenge... how he do it...???


Many time we imaine that the marvel movie create the thing is not possible but there is one mistake of understanding that all things are possible in life. I prounce how the marvel heros possible.

  • I take the 1st most popular hero is dr. streng. we all are know about the hero. he had the power of time. he had the contron on time. he also had power of teleportation. the all of work of dimention
  1. lenghth (L)
  2. breadth(b)
  3. height (h) 
  4. time (t)
  5. place(p)
  • he had all the power in one stone is known as 5D power 5 dimentional power
  • the stone,in our language we say that combination of any element and it is found on any planet.
  • so, we conclude that the research on planet is the is the result of this power.
  • marvel give real hypothetical and scintific proofs.
  • he reverse the time by 4D.
  • and, teleportationby 5D
  • we gain only 2% knowledge about scince.
  • there is 98% is remaining.
  • and we know that the 11D are present in is scintificly proof.
  • there will be scope of change in time.
  • the 5D image are-
-Image result for dimension 1d to 5d images


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