The theory of time travel (part:1)
The theory of relativity
The theory was given by
Albert Einstein
The famous scientists Albert Einstein said that the time travell is possible. Any partical get high speed then the time is shorter for that is responsible on the particle with it's mass and get high speed like light or alpha rays. when the individual get high speed among light speed (3×10²) then the individual start a point then he reach that point in speed of light or alpha (radio active ray). If he reached in two year with covered displacement then the time for that individual is shorter and he became in future and the time of the earth is faster.
I conclude the fact : the time of space is not same. The space is larger and larger then our hypothesis is understand. So the time is different corner of space. If we will found that place where the time is slow along with the earth we reach that place and come back on earth the time travel is possible..........
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